The current state of the game's development

Oy! I have some good-ish news to share.

I'm working on the game again, but for now I'm not EXACTLY making massive progress. I'm in some sort of planning phase, where I'm currently planning everything that will happen in the game. I'm writing down a timeline, doing branches, looking at how things will go down depending on what the player does, planning how the maps will be, possible puzzles, looking at how will I integrate horror in each parts (don't forget that this will be a horror game).

Speaking of horror, I'm changing something rather major to the game. It is also to speed up development and make the game much less ambitious: The game will now have ONLY the story. There won't be side-content to it. I feel like adding side content would ruin the mood. It's a vore-horror not a vore-rpg game (hence the name Vorror). The game may also end up not having a long playtime but I'm gonna try to make it last. Don't forget that there's only one person, me, working on the game and that if there is too much content, it may take long to create. Despite cutting content and taking long to work on the game, I still wish to make something enjoyable. 

I apologize for taking a while, I understand that some even donated to help the project. Games take a while to make and I'm mostly an artist who has plenty of other things to do. The game is meant to be more of a side project when I have extra free time. Thanks for your understanding!

So yeah, just to reassure anyone who may be worried that I abandoned the project, I didn't! I think about it almost everyday actually, of what will make it into the game, how will the story go, how will it end, how the characters will be, how can I spook y'all while using vore. I have ideas! 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to join the Discord server if you wish to discuss the game! I did share some stuff like characters I planned on adding and more. :D

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